Innovation in preserving cultural heritage
Climate change threatens every part of the planet. It’s a global problem that requires global cooperation.
Preserving cultural diversity helps us understand ourselves. Languages are not simply words and grammar, but vehicles for the transmission of people’s ideas, cultural knowledge and history.
Digital Kun Opera Museum
The Digital Museum of Global Chinese Kun Opera project is hosted by Cambridge Rivers Project (CRP) and Vanishing Worlds Foundation at the Museum of Archeology and Anthropology (MAA), University of Cambridge. The project started in October 2016 and will collect, document, research, and exhibit collections of Chinese Kun Opera that are in organisations worldwide. The thematic selection and research of objects and archives will lead to the establishment of digital museums and the curation of digital exhibitions in the UK and China. It will be based at the MAA in Cambridge, co-operating closely with King’s College, the Fitzwilliam Museum, the University Library, as well as other UK and European based museums and libraries.
Digital Buddhist Museum
Preserving the history and significance of Buddhism across time and space.
Digital Museum for Overseas Chinese Heritage
This is a movement of billions. Whether you’re most comfortable contributing time to help achieve our advocacy goals, money to help us grow, or energy to put political pressure on our governments to change, we need you on our team.
Institute for Comparative Alcohol Studies
Exploring the positive health benefits of alcohol by combining historical literature, contemporary psychological and physiological studies, with an emphasis on extensive cross-cultural collaboration.
“Clarkson has helped accomplish over 200 of its partners’ major conservation goals. They inspire everyone to care for the planet.”
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